
September 18, 2024

The Fourth Session of Shenyang Dadong District Education Administrator Informatization Leadership Forum Concluded Successfully

The Fourth Session of the Shenyang Dadong District Educational Administrator Informatization Leadership Forum recently concluded. The forum featured an insightful lecture entitled “A Study on Reshaping Informatization Leadership in the Era of Artificial Intelligence” by Tang Yewei, an Associate Professor from the Northeast Normal University. Nearly 200 educators in primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, teacher training schools, and Dadong District Education Bureau members participated in the session.


The primary goal of the forum was to enhance the information literacy and leadership skills of education administrators to promote educational and teaching reforms that meet new curriculum standards, use smart classrooms to refine the training of distinguished teachers and stimulate innovative thinking on the digital transformation of teaching among education administrators.

During his lecture, Professor Tang showcased accessible language and vivid real-world examples to explain practical approaches for implementing innovation and development in education. Professor Tang provided the audience with an in-depth examination of educational and teaching development planning within the context of informatization.

Professor Tang emphasized that the digital transformation era brings new challenges for school governance and educators’ development. He argued that emphasis should be placed on upgrading digital education infrastructure, enhancing the national smart education public cloud service platform, exploring innovative teaching methods in digitized environments, strengthening the governance capacity of big data in education, implementing education evaluation reforms supported by information technology, bolstering information literacy and digital skills of both teachers and students and conducting pilot demonstrations of educational digitalization to accelerate the digital transformation of education.

Developing smart education and promoting digital transformation is necessary for further educational development and reform. Such forums enable school districts to explore innovative ideas and models conducive to school development while encouraging administrators to deepen their understanding of educational informatization and digitalization.